The Friendly Beasts


Doctrinal Content

To remind the children that Christ, our God and King, humbled Himself, became man and was  born in a stable amidst the animals.

Origin of Text

Written for the ancient celebration of the Flight to Egypt

English text by Robert Davis 1881-1950

Origin of Melody

Orientis Partibus / 13th century hymn by Pierre de Corbell, priest and bishop

Harmonized by Richard Redhead and Ralph Vaughn Williams

Musical Analysis

Major Key
Time Signature – 3/4
Note values – eighth, quarter, half, dotted half
Intervals – ascending and descending Major 3rd, ascending and descending minor 3rd, ascending
5th, descending 4th

Teaching Recommendations

Repeating phrases make this piece easy to sing and memorize.

Rhymes in the poetry help the youngest children memorize the words.

It is not recommended with children who are not yet reading to ask them to sing more than one


Melody –  Public Domain

Text –  Public Domain

