The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) conducted research in a national survey of 189 Catholic dioceses or eparchies of the United States of America. The national study titled “Assessment of Children’s Liturgy Planning and Liturgical Formation at U.S. Catholic Dioceses and Parishes” was designed and conducted, in the summer of 2023, by CARA in collaboration with Dr. Jem Sullivan, Ph.D. and the key collaborators at The Catholic University of America. The national study sought to understand how to better welcome and engage children in liturgical worship in US Catholic parishes through a survey of key informants at dioceses and eparchies who are most responsible for their parishes’ children’s liturgies at the diocesan level. In addition, CARA conducted interviews of a select group of “best practitioners” engaged at the grassroots level in parish and diocesan catechetical and liturgical ministry with children.