Godhead Here In Hiding

Doctrinal Content

To help prepare the child for reception of the Holy Eucharist in First Holy Communion.
Our God, born a baby in Bethlehem, who died and rose from the dead, loves us so much, He wants to stay with us in the Holy Eucharist.

Origin of Text

ascribed to Saint Thomas Aquinas
Translation by Gerard Manley Hopkins
also translation by Jeanne C. Frolick as “Humbly, Lord, We Worship You,” 1973

Origin of Melody:

Adoro te devote, Plainchant, Mode V

Musical Analysis

Mode V, Final is FA

As Gregorian plainsong, this chant is written in free rhythm.
Intervals – ascending and descending Major 3rd, ascending and descending minor 3rd,
descending half step TEH, ascending 5th

Teaching Recommendations

The melody includes repetitive phrases and rhymes which will help the youngest child commit the verse to memory. It is not recommended with children who are not yet reading to ask them to sing more than one verse. The text can be found in both Latin and English


Melody –  

Text –  


Liber Cantualis
Abbatia Sancti Petri De Solesmis / Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae
© Desclée, Paris-Tournai, 1978
© Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes
in modern notation:
and in English: