Ave Maria

Doctrinal Content

To introduce the children to the mystery of the Annunciation when Mary said “yes” to God’s request to be the Mother of Jesus.

Origin of Text

Sacred Scripture, Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1:28

Offertory antiphon for the 4th Sunday of Advent and the Solemnity of the Annunciation.

Origin of Melody

Gregorian, Mode VI

Musical Analysis

Mode VI / Final is FA 

As Gregorian plainsong, this chant is written in free rhythm. Interval -: ascending Major 3rd, ascending half step LA – TEH 

Teaching Recommendations

The youngest children can learn just the antiphon and repeat it throughout  as the response. 


Melody – Public Domain 

Latin Text – Public Domain 


Liber Cantualis 

Abbatia Sancti Petri De Solesmis / Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae © Desclée, Paris-Tournai, 1978 © Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes.

Also https://gregobase.selapa.net/chant.php?id=4038


Watch a version of Ave Maria here