“When we chant and sing for Him, we clear a path by which He comes to our heart and sets us afire with the grace of His love.”

-Pope Saint Gregory the Great

First Homily on Ezekiel

Welcoming Children with Sacred Music

hymns every catholic child should know

An outward expression of our praise to God is necessary to us as human persons. We first encounter the sacred through our senses. Throughout each year we participate in a liturgy formed by the Church to help her children discover the sacred through outward signs, gestures, music and art.  May this selection of hymns, chosen especially for the youngest members of our Church, help forge a path they may follow and light a fire in their hearts.

Students of the B.T. Rome School of Music, Drama and Art of The Catholic University of America have performed and conducted the hymns.  These video recordings will assist those for whom these hymns are new and give inspiration to all.

These hymns have been chosen so the youngest members of our congregations may sing their prayers in beauty.  Young children delight and deserve to discover the best and the most beautiful in nature and art.  Doctrinal content, teaching recommendations and a musical analysis are given for each hymn so the hymns can be made easily accessible to children.

We invite you to share these hymns for the liturgical seasons and feasts of the year chosen from a repertoire of sacred music in the Catholic, Protestant, and North American folk traditions.  (We look forward to expanding this hymn list to include hymns from the Hispanic tradition as well.)

Amy Zuberbueler

MME Director
International Center for Ward Method Studies
Benjamin T. Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art
The Catholic University of America

Hymn Library

Our hymns are updated regularly, please check back often!